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2023-03-19 - 12:08

Microsoft Teams vs Zoom: Which One Should You Choose?

Hawre Kamal

Video conferencing has become an essential part of remote work and online meetings in the past few years. With so many options available, how do you choose the best one for your needs? In this blog post, we will compare two of the most popular video conferencing tools: Microsoft Teams and Zoom. We will look at their features, pros and cons, pricing, and integrations to help you make an informed decision.

What are Microsoft Teams and Zoom?
Microsoft Teams and Zoom are both cloud-based platforms that allow you to host or join online meetings with audio, video, chat, screen sharing, and more. the first thing to note is that Zoom is only a video conferencing tool. But Microsoft Teams is an all-in-one tool that combines video conferencing with team chat and other productivity and collaboration features like file sharing, calendars, task management, whiteboards, etc.

Microsoft Teams: is part of the Microsoft 365 suite that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint, etc. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft apps and services. It also supports third-party integrations with popular tools like Slack, Trello, Asana, etc.

Zoom: is a standalone platform that focuses on delivering high-quality video conferencing with minimal latency and bandwidth consumption. It also supports integrations with other apps like Google Workspace, Dropbox, Salesforce, etc.

How to Compare Microsoft Teams and Zoom?
There are many factors that can affect your choice of video conferencing tool depending on your use case and preferences. Here are some of the most important ones:

Pros and Cons of Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams has many advantages as a video conferencing tool especially if you are already using other Microsoft products or services. Some of its pros include:


However, Microsoft Teams also has some drawbacks that may limit its appeal for some users. Some of its cons include:


Pros and Cons of Zoom
Zoom has many advantages as a video conferencing tool especially if you value simplicity over anything else. Some of its pros include:

However, Zoom also has some drawbacks that may limit its appeal for some users. Some of its cons include:

It's important to note that not all of these drawbacks of Zoom and Teams may be relevant to your business or your specific needs. However, it's always a good idea to consider these factors when evaluating different video conferencing platforms. Both apps play nice with other tools: Both Zoom and Teams support integrations with other popular apps like Google Workspace, Dropbox, Salesforce, etc. You can also use Zoom within Teams by installing the Zoom app for Teams.


Another important difference between Microsoft Teams and Zoom is pricing. While both platforms offer free versions, the paid plans for each platform differ in terms of price and what is included.
Zoom's pricing plans are based on the number of participants in a meeting, with the basic plan allowing up to 100 participants for 40 minutes at a time. Microsoft Teams, on the other hand, has a more flexible pricing plan that allows users to choose from different tiers depending on their needs. The paid plans for Microsoft Teams include more storage, security features, and support options.

So, which one is better for your business? That depends on what you value more: simplicity or quality and integration and collaboration.