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+964 773 157 0666

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+964 780 166 6777


Among the common Azure solutions that Avesta group provides are Azure WebApp, Azure Virtual Machine, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure Media, Azure Backup, and integration of Azure services.

Azure Solutions We Provide


We have solutions for all types of website hosting using Microsoft Azure, including advanced and high traffic websites, e-commerce websites, and Media websites. Website Deployment, configuration, maintenance, 24/7 monitoring and support. Providing effective solution for mitigating DDoS attack and other kind of cyber attacks by using most powerful firewall inside Microsoft Azure. We have solutions for different development technologies and CMSs like, PHP, Java, Word press, Joomla, Drupal. Right now we are Hosting more than 200 websites on Microsoft Azure including top 3 websites according to number of visitors over Iraq according to Alexa ranking.


Providing Azure Virtual machines with deployment, configuration, maintenance, monitoring and 24/7 support. Providing hybrid solutions by connecting Azure VM and on premises servers using VPN. We can configure virtual network in Azure and connecting several VM to work as your own data center. Providing High availability load balancing solution using availability set. Providing VM with Non Microsoft Operating system such as Linux. We are hosting more than 20 VM including VM for hosting Iraqi Presidency, KRG Ministry of Electricity.


Providing Azure SQL using both PaaS and IaaS solutions, deployment, configuration, maintenance, monitoring and 24/7 support. Providing High availability using Geo-Replication. We can configure Database mirroring, and replications over several Azure data centers We are serving more than 70 business with SQL solutions including UNHCR.


Providing Azure different type of Storage (Blob, Page, and Queue) , deployment, configuration, maintenance, monitoring and 24/7 support. which can be used for storing files and non relational data. Configuring Azure Storage to work with VM and Web app.

Azure Backup

Azure Backup is a cost-effective, secure, one-click backup solution that’s scalable based on your backup storage needs. The centralized management interface makes it easy to define backup policies and protect a wide range of enterprise workloads, including Azure Virtual Machines, SQL and SAP databases, and Azure file shares.

Azure Media Services

Providing Azure Media Services, Audio streaming, live video streaming and on demand video streaming.
We provide deployment, configuration, maintenance, monitoring and 24/7 support.
Providing CDN based streaming to minimize the bandwidth usage.
We are serving Azure media services to several establishment including NRT TV and Kurdistan24 TV.

Azure Traffic Manager

Azure Traffic Manager operates at the DNS layer to quickly and efficiently direct incoming DNS requests based on the routing method of your choice. An example would be sending requests to the closest endpoints, improving the responsiveness of your applications. Choose from flexible traffic routing options, Reduce application downtime, Improve app performance and content delivery, Distribute user traffic over multiple locations, Use with your on-premises datacenter, Geographic fencing of your application users, Obtain actionable insight about your users.

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

The Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) enterprise identity service provides single sign-on, multifactor authentication, and conditional access to guard against 99.9 percent of cybersecurity attacks. Single sign-on simplifies access to your apps from anywhere, Conditional access and multifactor authentication help secure data, A single identity control plane grants full visibility and control of your environment, Governance ensures the right people have access to the right resources, and only when they need it.

We are Azure experts.

Get your solutions from Azure experts, Avesta Company is a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure(Azure), which shows our capabilities to provide Microsoft Azure cloud services.

Our team certificates for Microsoft Azure:


On-premises, hybrid, multi-cloud, or at the edge—create secure, future-ready cloud solutions on Azure, if you have any more questions about Microsoft Azure, you can reach us at: [email protected]