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2023-01-03 - 07:06

Backup and Recovery: Reduce downtime with a better backup strategy.

Hawre Kamal

Today’s businesses tolerate less downtime every year, so a reliable backup and recovery process can help your company recover quickly from any kind of outage. Threats and risks such as malware, ransomware or even user error and hardware failures can bring your business’s progress to a halt - leading to devastating downtime costs that can put your company out of business. The key to moving your business forward with resilience is a better solution to backup and recovery.

What are the three major costs of downtime?

How can the Backup and Recovery Managed Service prevent downtime?
The Backup and Recovery Managed Service is a service that protects your data and saves your business from any downtime and loss. We utilize leading technology and processes via a cloud-based solution to safeguard your data.

Top patch management challenges for businesses 

Rapid recovery whenever your business needs it. Employees won’t never lose their work in progress
Your business’s critical apps are monitored and continuously backed up providing you with the best prevention and recovery available. Our quick and easy one-click recovery feature allows employees to easily start their own automated recovery in the event of any kind of data loss – saving time and stress for everyone.

Three benefits of the Backup and Recovery Managed Service that may be relevant to your business: 

Acronis is more than a backup: A team of experts and a service you can trust. and we as Avesta work closely with our clients to deliver the best data protection solution to meet your business’s needs. We consider things like what data is most critical to your business operations, the industry you work in, and the different levels of access needed for your account.