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2020-01-13 - 11:17

CEO of Avesta at "The state of the IT industry" event

On October 24th, 2017, an IT event was held in The American University of Iraq, Sulaimani. Yad Kamal, the CEO of Avesta was a key speaker in the event dicusssing the new IT trends and demand for IT jobs.

Including also in the speakers was Raed Bou, co-founder of Click Iraq who shared his insights on digital transformation.

The event was kicked off by Hemin Latif, chair of the IT department at AUIS. He stressed upon reaching out to IT professionals and those with business experience in order to understand the dynamics of the maket and IT industry. The current event was a step in that direction.

According to AUIS website, the chairman also announced a board of advisers for the IT department with members form the local industry.

In his presentation, Yad touched upon the public and private IT market in the region. Speaking of standard jobs and jobs in high demand, he considered government organizations as a good opportunity for newly graduated students. "Avesta Group and many others pay very good salaries for professionals with technical backround, product information, and good marketing skills," Yad said. He also added "But those are difficult to find".

He also categorized Help desk support and network administrators as standard jobs in the market, with web and mobile development as jobs in high demand.

Katongo Lukwesa, an AUIS professor attending the event, shared his optimisim regarding the event and cosidered it a great opportunity for the students in order to interact with empoyers and innovator. "This will give meaning to a lot of things that have been taught in the classroom" He added.
