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2023-03-27 - 10:46

Acronis Cyber Protection Workshop - Erbil

Avesta in association with Ingram Micro & Acronis held a workshop on Mar 15th, 2023, entitled “Acronis Cyber Protection”. The event took place at the Ramada Hotel in Erbil. The focus of the event was to demonstrate the Acronis products and solutions that help businesses in protection against modern-day cyber threats.

The event was not public, So the guests were specially invited and mostly they were IT managers or security Specialists of the companies and organizations.

The event was kicked off by the welcome speech of Yad Rashid CEO of Avesta.

Next, Eliane Moubarak, business development Executive from Ingram Micro presented a short introduction about Ingram Micro.

in the next part, Kalyan Kommuru, Acronis Account Manager presented an overview of Acronis in general. after that, Akar Amanj, Technical Sales Assitant from Avesta presented the latest Acronis products and solutions with their functionality and advantages. which included Acronis Cyber Backup, Acronis Management, Acronis Security, Acronis Email Security, and Acronis Advanced Packs.

Then, Ahmad Hazaa Avesta's System Administrator presented a demo of Acronis Cyber Protection followed by the practice of the guests on the demo and Q&A about the functionality of the products. Finally, Niga Atta Avesta's sales manager presented the pricing of the Acronis products. 
