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2022-04-14 - 07:48

Introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365

Hawre Kamal

Dynamics 365 is part of Microsoft's business solutions that aimed at bringing together different business units by connecting people and data and use this data and connections for the future decisions.

What is Dynamic 365?
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a combination of ERP and CRM properties together in one solution, one of the best options for reorganizing and managing your business efficiently. In short, it is a one stop solution for all types of business. Includes special modules and apps for all sections that exist in the administration and management of an organization. Like:

As we said, Dynamics 365 connects data from all different units of your business by connecting people and data across applications, dynamics is known for having a user-friendly interface and easy for use. Also, businesses which are familiar with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Office will face no difficulty in using it.

How does Dynamics 365 work?
Dynamics 365 collects all customer and sales data in one system and makes it the source of all decisions, it gives users a complete picture of their customer journey lifecycle that can help them reach out on mediums that works best for their customers and close deals faster. Dynamics automatically performs all important and sensitive tasks or activities that take a long time, making your business run more effectively and efficiently.

Dynamics is designed to have the most adaptive and scalable capabilities according to your business's needs and customer demands.

Different dynamics sections and modules 365:

Because dynamics is a all-in-one solution for all types of business, it contains many different sections and modules, so you can only choose the modules you need for your business.

Sales: This module is designed for the sales team. It gives a 360-degree view of your interactions with prospects and customers so your team can plan and forecast your next interactions with them. either your business is B2B or B2C, you can benefit from the module.

Marketing: You can quickly automate and run your marketing campaign through the marketing module.  It will help you build a stronger relationship with your customers and improve your business performance and productivity.

Business Central: Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is an "all-in-one" ERP solution well-suited for medium and small-size businesses aimed at managing finance, supply chain, project management and services.

Finance: This module is an ERP solution for all global medium-size companies and large businesses. Optimize and automate financial and accounting processes, plan your budget and much more in several languages and with country-specific options.

Human Resources: Organize everything about your employees from the time they are employed to retire, Finding and hiring new talents, welcoming them into your business. You can manage your entire recruiting and onboarding processes in Dynamics 365 Human Resources.

Project Management: Through this module, Plan and visualize your projects, execute them, keep track of tasks, resources and project changes, and make sure to finish them on time and budget.

Field Service: Tackle the challenge that is organizing and coordinating your technicians’ appointments and routes by using Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 Field Service module. It makes exchanging information between companies, technicians, and customers easier, on-site visits more productive and your customers even happier.

Manufacturing: Being a process-heavy industry, manufacturing industry is bound to experience huge volumes of data that can add significant value to business if only the information was put to good use.

Commerce: it is Microsoft’s retail module. Maintain your online and offline shops with it, turn your customers into fans by providing them with an excellent and reliable service.

Customer Service: Provide excellent service, and people will know. Use Dynamics 365 Customer Service to keep up to date with your customers’ needs and offer them fast, easy and reliable support.

Business Analysis: Through this model, you will be sure of any decisions you make about your business, using Microsoft's artificial intelligence, you can have insight based on your data.

Supply Chain Management: Through this model, you can take care of your store and repository status from time to time. Are your customers satisfied with your products?

Common questions about Dynamics 365:

Earlier versions of Dynamics:
Your business may use an earlier version of Microsoft Dynamics and doesn't contain many of the services we mentioned, so it's better to upgrade to these new versions.

If you any questions about Microsoft Dynamics 365, please contact us from here.