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2022-03-10 - 01:10

Cloud or On-Premises?

Hawre Kamal

In recent years, business technology and management has been developing continuously. And what does this mean for businesses and companies? How can they adapt to the latest changes of the day?

Businesses from small and medium-sized enterprises or large organizations are constantly racing to provide their customers with the best services, and the development of Cloud services is a good partner in their mission, speed of the market, and its ability to adapt to the changes is a key for a successful business, so the question is constantly facing businesses and companies is whether to use the cloud to manage their organization or their own on-premises infrastructure?  In this blog, we will discuss the pro and cons of each of these two approaches.

First, let's ask what's cloud?
In the simplest form, the cloud is the process of using a remote server through the Internet to use resources such as e-mail, networking, storage, data, software, and programs, managing and processing data, analyzing data, and protecting this data is the responsibility of the provider.

In terms of the ability to process and store data, we can say that it is unlimited. This helps business startups to compete in the market, as they only pay for what they use, they can get the the resource they need with just a few clicks and remove it whenever they don't need it anymore, according to market and consumer demands.

Cloud is not only about storing data, but also about communication and assistance. In the cloud, a specific party provides electronic infrastructure, and in return, businesses can benefit from these services via the Internet and by paying a specific fee, which means you can use hardware, software, and data with the cloud.

How many types of cloud service do we have?
Generally, we have three types of cloud services, an electronic and IT system for managing organizations and companies contain several departments. Underneath all of them comes the hardware and the devices, and finally the data and information. Among them, there are several technologies and other systems that we have divided into six categories: hardware, virtualization operating system, runtime, applications, and data.

Who are the cloud providers?

Benefits of using the cloud:

In short: You can access your data at any time or any place, all costs are set and you don't pay extra, you don't need a very advanced IT team, high security, it's installed easily, you can easily increase or decrease resources, you spend less electricity.

cons of the cloud:

What is on-premises?
We can say it's your own physical infrastructure that you bought and installed in your workplace to manage and run the server, e-mail, network, storage. We can talk about the benefits and disadvantages of each of these two ways for a few hours, but the second path is fading in some fields and losing its importance as services in the cloud continue to grow continuously.

Benefits of on-premises:

The bad aspects of the on-premises:

As you can see, both styles have their own good and bad sides, so the decision to choose one may be difficult. Perhaps the most important point to consider is data protection, both styles are protected and provide multiple protection methods and they both require continuous development. if we look at it in terms of scalability, the cloud is many years ahead of the other. But, if you can't just choose one of them, why not both?

Hybrid environment: Look again at the good and bad aspects of both ways, if you can get only good aspects of both ways and have very good security, compatibility, scalability. Regardless the size of your organization.
You will have control. You can decide which to store on the third-party side in the cloud and which data to store on-premises for more protection.
Your employees can use clouds such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud to access their desktops, files, programs, and emails so that they will never stop working, while you can back up your data on your servers so that you can still access your data when the Internet is disconnected.

The decision is yours: Whichever method you choose, cloud, on-premises, or a hybrid environment, it is better to first consider the good and bad aspects of each method. Limiting your organization with just one method may harm you in the future, and only one style maybe enough for you. This means that there is no right or wrong answer. Every organization is different from another and requirements are different. Avesta can help you in this decision and our expert team will give you a consultation to choose an approach that perfectly fits your needs.